After listening to Dubya’s speech tonight cranking up the war machine, I was feeling down. I kept asking Kelly to wake me up from this bad dream. The prez is really going to put aside this country’s allegiance with our European friends just so he can control Iraq’s oilfields.
And just in case you didn’t think this isn’t about war, Dubya made sure to mention the wells in his speech. Nice touch. It was also a nice touch to issue an impossible ultimatum in an effort to gain some high ground. As if.
I was going to go to bed angry until I decided to follow up on a news tidbit mentioned on ABC News after the speech. Old Pete Jennings casually mentioned that Robin Cook, Tony Blair’s foreign secretary, resigned in protest over Blair’s march toward war.
I managed to find a link to Cook’s resignation speech courtesy of the BBC. (Betcha money you don’t see a peep about it in tomorrow’s U.S. papers). Cooks speech laid it out in a manner so simple even Dubya could understand it. In short, he said he couldn’t support a war that has no international or domestic consensus. Amen.
Tuesday morning, the House of Commons votes on the war resolution. I expect the resolution will be utterly defeated.
That, my friends, is why I will sleep soundly tonight. Even though Dubya will probably get his war (every president needs a war, right?), there are millions of people united in the cause for peace. And their numbers grow every day.