I just discovered that the Independent Weekly used one of my photographs without attribution on their website. In this issue’s interview with Thomas Crowder about Raleigh architecture, Bob Geary used a photograph I took of Raleigh’s Memorial Auditorium . . . er, I mean the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts.
So why am I not hopping mad? Why are my lawyers not calling their lawyers? Because … well, I don’t have any lawyers but more importantly this is exactly what I wanted when I uploaded it to Wikipedia and gave it away to the public domain. My photograph graces the Wikipedia entry for the Progress Energy Center and is free for anyone else to use as they see fit. Bob could’ve Photoshopped Sir Walt flipping the bird and it would’ve been fine with me.
While I admit seeing my name in print might have been nice, I am simply happy someone thought highly enough of my photograph to use it.
The public domain at work. Pretty cool.
CC with attribution FTW