in Music

Another Mark Turner cuts his fingers

I see from my recent incoming Google searches that another Mark Turner (the jazz musician, I believe) has apparently severely injured two of his fingers with a power saw.

According to his friend and fellow musician Aaron Parks:

I’m afraid I have some sobering news to share, though, about one of my friends, someone who is an inspiration to countless musicians, a true genius, and a beautiful spirit: Mark Turner.

A few minutes ago, I received a text message from Kurt Rosenwinkel informing me that Mark severely cut two of his fingers with a power saw, and is in the hospital awaiting surgery tomorrow morning. They will be trying to reattach nerves, tendons, and arteries. With luck, the surgery will be successful, and he will eventually regain the use of his injured fingers. It’ll be no less than 6 months of rehab, though.

I’ve never met this particular Mark Turner but I have had a scary meeting of my fingers and an attic fan. That was nothing compared to this accident, though, especially since a musician’s hands are so important to playing music. Perhaps doctors can try some powdered pig bladder to regenerate the damaged fingers.

At any rate, this Mark Turner wishes that Mark Turner a speedy and full recovery!

[Update 19 Jan 2009]: Good news! Mark’s apparently healing well.