It was bound to happen eventually. This morning a spam bot figured out the math test check that my SABRE plugin was using to filter human website visitors from spam bots. This happened on one of my less-frequented blogs, which actually helped me discover it as that particular blog doesn’t get many registrations.
Looks like now I’ll have to graduate my blog universe to the full-blown CAPTCHA tests if I want to keep the Russian spammers from crashing the MT.Net party.
Or, you could move to a comment plugin like Intense Debate and let it take care of stuff like that for you. Check out its features. I’m really happy with it.
Yes, I’ve been considering using Intense Debate but haven’t checked out fully yet. I’m a little leery of its large scope. But it may happen.
In case you didn’t know, they’re actually owned by the same people that own WordPress. The large scope is somewhat ameliorated, I think, by the fact that all the comments are actually kept locally on your blog and you can use the normal comment sections of WP to interact with them.