in Check It Out, X-Geek

Lock your screensaver using your phone


I’ve often wondered what it would take to have my PC know who I am without having to type in my password every time. Typing passwords is so second millennium! There should be a better way.

Today I found that there is. My friend Tarus mentioned a Mac app called AirLock that will activate and deactivate your screensaver using a Bluetooth-equipped phone. I thought that was pretty cool, so I went searching for a Linux app that does the same.

I found it, and it’s called BlueProximity. The good news is that it’s been in Ubuntu for over a year. Simply type

sudo apt-get install blueproximity

…and you’re all set.

This of course made me wonder if my $WORK could replace all the proximity card readers at the entrances with Bluetooth sensors. Why should I carry a badge if I’m always carrying my mobile phone? And why couldn’t this take the place of my car keys or door keys, for that matter?

In a nice coincidence, I got a Bluetooth headset from last week for a net price of $0. It’s only been a few days since I turned on Bluetooth on my phone. Now I have two cool things to use with it!

  1. One thing I’m seeing is that my phone only broadcasts Bluetooth for about 5-10 minutes at a time. Being that it’s a pay-per-use phone with limited functionality, I don’t know if I can make it broadcast continuously (of if this is even desirable).

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