in Checking In, Geezer


Operating Cyst-em

Operating Cyst-em

Above is an X-ray of my upper jaw, taken in July 2013. Back in 2000, dentist Dr. Brown expertly performed a root canal on my Tooth 14. Not long afterward, though, a cyst of some sort (the dark circular area above the root in the X-ray) began developing above the affected tooth and took up residence inside my jaw. My dentist, Dr. Bill Sowter, is amazed that I don’t jump out of his chair whenever he taps the area, yet it doesn’t hurt at all.

Friday morning I go under the capable knife of Dr. Gerald Upton when he cuts into my gum and removes the cyst. Because he will have to really stretch my mouth in order to work in the area, he will be giving me general anesthesia for the surgery. I’m not thrilled with the pain and recovery time I’ll be facing but this thing has been lurking in my jaw for almost ten years and I’d rather have a say in when it decides to start hurting.

Dr. Upton will also be performing an apioectomy which will keep the root of the tooth from harboring bacteria.

I’ll be recovering for a week or two afterwards, with my ability to eat affected for a few days. Probably won’t be a lot of fun, but my family will take good care of me, I’m sure. Kelly jokes that I’ll be removing my alien implant and E.T. will no longer be able to find me but I’m guessing this won’t be a problem.

Wish me luck!