I spent yesterday installing a mast I’d been meaning to mount for a TV antenna and my new weather station instruments. They now sit six feet above my house, gathering each’s respective data.
I also got the info into my server, Maestro, using Wx200d. I went with Wx200d because it is the least-neglected project of the three I mentioned earlier, having last been updated at the end of 2002. Then again, I suppose its possible for an application to actually be FINISHED some day. Maybe Wx200d is there. One thing I need to fix is its reliance on PostGRES. No MySQL support yet.
There is also a nice looking GTK client for Wx200d called GWK. No *ed Hat packages available for it yet, though I can remedy that.
As I was working on mounting the equipment yesterday, I saw the weather station predicting clouds for today. Since it was sunny at the time, I thought the thing needed calibrating. When I woke up today, though, it was overcast – just like the weather station indicated. Kewl.
Antenna mast for television? I put an antenna atop my dad’s roof to pick up HD TV over the air.
The mast is mainly for TV and the weather station, though I hope to eventually put a 2 meter HAM antenna on it as well. And maybe a video camera that shoots frickin’ laser beams. 🙂
The mast is mainly for TV and the weather station, though I hope to eventually put up a 2-meter HAM antenna as well. Then maybe I’ll add a video camera that shoots frickin’ laser beams. 🙂
you should put us up on your roof.