in Weather

August weather in June

Today’s temperatures are expected to soar to 102 degrees F. Its barely the second week of June! I suppose we’re now paying for those weeks of mild weather where we kept our windows open and the air conditioning rarely ran.

This stifling weather’s got Kelly and I missing the cool weather of the San Juan Islands. Upon our return last year, we traded the Islands’ low-70s high temperatures for Raleigh’s oven-like 100s.

Its a shame that it now costs an arm and a leg to fly anywhere.

  1. Is it really over 100 up there? We had 88 today in Melbourne FL (probably a bit cooler out here on the barrier island) and it won’t go over 90 all week per the weatherman. Course our humidity runs at a constant 80% so you start sweating the minute you go out the door.


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