I saw the family off this morning for their trip from Milwaukee back to home. It was sad saying goodbye to them knowing I wouldn’t be home for another three days. I now sit in the room Kelly’s parents stayed in, surrounded by empty chairs that used to be full of wriggling children and laughing adults. Feels quite lonely here.
The wedding reception and pseudo-family reunion were all a lot of fun, though. We danced into the night. I forget just how much fun dancing is, and Kelly and I spent a good part of the evening out on the dance floor. Our only regret is that the kids couldn’t stay up late enough to enjoy it, too. They’d spent a wonderful day down at Milwaukee’s excellent Betty Brinn Children’s Museum: a place that puts Raleigh’s Marbles Kids Museum to shame.
I’m alone now mainly so I can polish the training I’m providing Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. I’ll spend the night in Milwaukee before hopping an Amtrak south to Chi-town tomorrow. Then I’ll be home Wednesday night, courtesy of Southwest.
I’ll be glad to be back with my family again. I miss them already!