in Music

Update on jazz musician Mark Turner

Aaron Parks passes along info that jazz musician Mark Turner’s hand surgery went as well as could be hoped for:

Hey everyone,

The show of support for Mark over the last few days has been incredible. Please keep the positivity flowing in.

A lot of people have been asking for an update, so I wanted to pass along the little bit of information that I know. The surgery was this morning, with one of the best hand surgeons in the country, and it apparently went as well as could be hoped for. It’ll take some time to know whether the procedure will ultimately be successful in restoring the full use of his hand, but everyone is hoping for the best. Mark is, of course, inspiringly Zen about the whole thing, already accepting things however they turn out. We’ll just have to wait: time will tell, I guess.

In the meantime, keep all the support coming. Many people have asked if there’s a way they could help financially, since he’s basically lost his main source of income for the next 6 months at least. I’ll look into it to see if he’s receptive to that kind of thing. Will let you know.

Thanks again for all the love you’ve shown towards him and his family…

Again, I hope he has a speedy recovery.

[Update 19 Jan 2009]: Good news! Mark’s apparently healing well.