We’re spending day three at Kelly’s parents’ home for the Fourth of July weekend. It’s been a fun one, with lots of bike riding (we brought them with us), bubble blowing, and just having fun. Our bike rack served us well in getting the family’s bikes to Virginia, with the kids’ bikes packed in the back of the van. Even Rocket was comfortable in the back of the van, with the seat down so he could actually see out the window. Never heard him actually wag his tail while in the van before.
The bubble blowing was the biggest hit, though. Kelly’s mom Linda found a recipe for “bubble juice” and made a big bucket of it. We’ve used sticks with straps on them to create enormous bubbles – some 3 feet wide by 20 feet long! It’s been so much fun that we’re going to get our own bubble kit when we get back home!
Today we’re heading to a friend’s stable so the kids can ride the horses. Then it’s off to the pool to cool off. The Virginia weather’s been markedly cooler than North Carolina’s but a swim will be just as welcome this afternoon!
Thanks for the heads-up… it looks like this weekend will be a good time to back the van into Mark’s driveway and take off with all of his stuff.
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