in Music, Musings, X-Geek

The power of Facebook

A little thing happened with Facebook today that made me appreciate one of the best things about it: the ability of my friends to make new friends through me.

Whenever I want my Facebook friends to know I’m still alive but I don’t have much to say, I’ll sometimes post a song lyric as my status. Here’s one I posted this morning:

Mark Turner is a detective down in Texas.

It’s a song lyric from the Steve Miller Band’s Take the Money and Run. It wasn’t long before my friend Jon Carnes chimed in:

Jon Carnes at 11:21am July 6
He knows exactly what the facts is

Then my other friends piled on with other Steve Miller references:

Blake Herrin at 2:06pm July 6
Interestingly, there is a segment of the population that refers to me as Maurice.

Randy Blew at 3:08pm July 6
What is pompitous?

Chris Pecci at 6:43pm July 6
Wasn’t Mark eating chocolate covered pompitouses a few weeks back?

The really interesting thing about this is that not one of these people has ever met any of the others!

Each of them only knows me, and only knows the others through their connection to me. And you know what? If I invited them all to a party there’s a good bet they would become instant friends. You can tell just from this exchange.

That’s one of the cool things about Facebook. It’s like the party at a friend’s place that leads to a half dozen new friendships.