in Reviews, X-Geek

Netflix “Watch Instantly”


I’ve heard good reports of Netflix’s “Watch Instantly” streaming movies but hadn’t experienced it until yesterday. I came home from work to find Kelly and the kids crowded around her laptop, watching Disney’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Color me impressed! It looked like they were watching a DVD, the picture quality was so good. And this was over our home wireless network. There were no skips or any visible glitches.

We’d had the ability to stream these movies courtesy of our Netflix subscription for quite some time now but hadn’t gotten to installing the Microsoft Silverlight software onto Kelly’s Mac until now.

Next up, a dedicated Roku player so we can stream movies to our big TV!

  1. take a look at Boxee too… it’ll turn your mac mini into a Roku and then some.

  2. We’ve watched quite a few shows from Netflix streamed through the Xbox on a 53″ TV. The quality is remarkable – absolutely no buffering at all.

  3. forget all the geeky stuff the previous two told you. Get a PS3. You get Blueray and can stream Netflix with their application. Oh, you get to play some really cool games too.

  4. um, Boxee is free. pretty sure that beats everything else.

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