I’m probably going to regret this, but I put my old homepage from 1995 online again. Surprisingly it renders very well on modern browsers. As for me, I don’t render as well as I used to!
The pic above shows my brother Jeff and my friend Scott (with, uh, me in the middle). We were roommates at the time and working as roadies for Soundgarden. Ok, not really, but we sure do look like it!
The account name “buddha” was the one my roommate Scott picked out. I’m not sure where the “Flea Forum” came from, but there it is. You can see what my life on the Internet was like in 1995 here.
There weren’t many webpages back in those days, kiddies.
ODonnellWeb launched on 12/31/1995, so there is a 99% chance that you were on the web before I was 🙂
Yep. The earliest date on my hand-coded HTML files is April 6, 1995. Get off my lawn!! 🙂
I remember that because that was the night of Q+E holiday dinner. We had all made a pact to grow our beards and couldn’t shave them till the dinner. I had actually half shaved it (that’s why I’m turned so much). That was 14 or 15 years ago? Wow…
Is that why John Creamer got the pink razors? Because he wussed out and shaved early?
that’s exactly why! Good memory…