Along with Kelly, I went to a volunteer luncheon at Conn Elementary yesterday. One of our favorite teachers, Nicole Jackson, sat down with us and chatted a bit.
“He was the cutest little boy!” she said of Travis as she told another volunteer how he used to play “peek-a-boo” with her as he passed through the hallways with us, not yet old enough to attend Conn himself.
In between laughs, I thought to myself how those days seem like only yesterday. Clearly, though, the outstanding son and daughter that Kelly and I are fortunate to parent aren’t the same little kids they once were. It’s amazing how quickly time passes.
I suppose this was on my mind last night, too. I woke up this morning from a dream thinking of just how short life is. We have about 80 summers, give or take, to enjoy – and that’s if we’re lucky. It made me wonder why someone would choose to make those precious years anything but the best years they possibly can. Why don’t we choose to treat each other better?
Those summers go by in a flash, to be sure. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.