I can’t let March go out without acknowledging the anniversary that just passed on March 15th. It was that day in 1983 that I became a North Carolinian when my parents moved us from Columbia, SC, to a new home off of Park Road in Charlotte.
It was my first taste of March Madness as this New Yorker basketball coach named Jim Valvano was all over the TV commercials. It was around that time that my dad came home from work one day mentioning that he had a chance meeting with Charlotte mayor Eddie Knox. I take for granted knowing the mayor now but back then I thought that was pretty cool. I suppose it was my first realization that politicians could be everyday people.
Someday I need to write a long blog post about those early days in North Carolina. I did a lot of growing up then, that’s for sure. By the time my dad got transferred again in 1986 and we moved to Northern Virginia I was ready for a change. From there I took a five-year break from being a North Carolinian, returning in 1991 via a change my military home of record while I was still stationed in San Diego. I’ve been here ever since!