If you want a fascinating view into the world of presidential campaigning, rent Game Change. Just don’t turn up the sound too loudly as the dialogue is about 30% profanity (acceptable in the context, however).
Politics, Reviews
inGame Change
Over the weekend I watched the HBO movie Game Change, based on events in the MaCain-Palin presidential campaign of 2008. I expected to be bored with it, already knowing the outcome and that we’re already one election removed from it. Instead, I was absolutely captivated. The acting was superb, with Julianne Moore’s depiction of Palin especially noteworthy. Moore brought Palin to life, depicting a very complex character with skill and pity. Woody Harrelson’s performance was also strong, as was the supporting cast. Ed Harris gave a very convincing performance as McCain as well, though the story centered around Palin’s evolution as a VP candidate.