in Follow-Up, Meddling, X-Geek

Back on my old IP?

I’ve noticed more cable modem strangeness this afternoon. I reflashed my router today and noticed that my home cable modem is once again on its old address. I have no explanation for what happened to the address I have been using for the last 24 hours.

It’s not been my experience that TWC/Earthlink swaps out IP addresses so quickly. Normally I get an IP address for many months without it changing. It’s very unusual to have one flip in just an afternoon.

Thinking I liked my newer IP address better, I tried to force a new assignment by unplugging my cable modem for ten minutes. Apparently that wasn’t long enough to do the trick, though. I will have to consider other options.

I still have no explanation for the earlier phantom response. Well, no rational explanation, anyway. I could say it was another quick DHCP assignment but that still wouldn’t account for the missing Microsoft ports which otherwise get filtered at the cable modem of every subscriber.

Are these Time Warner Cable shenanigans?

  1. Back when I had Verizon FiOS it appeared that while I was getting a dynamic IP address that it would really only flop between two addresses. I don’t know if that was to make it easier to manage the IP addresses or for testing or… ? Perhaps that’s what you are seeing?

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