in Follow-Up, Media

Charles Lane has taken vet fire before

Today’s opinion piece is not the first time Charles Lane has come under fire from veterans. Veteran blogger Jonn Lilyea took Lane apart after Lane took aim last year at TriCare, the veteran health care system:

So, this fairly disingenuous fellow, Charles Lane, writes in the Washington Post opinion section about how we veterans don’t deserve Tricare as it currently exists. Apparently, we shouldn’t expect the government to honor it’s promises after we’ve fulfilled our commitment;

And this:

I wouldn’t bother mailing your ignorant ass, Mr. Lane. Especially someone who feels a need to say that he respects and honors veterans, you know, right before he throws us under the bus. That’s probably the most disingenuous statement one of these mighty mouths can make. I respect and honor journalists at the Washington Post, but they should all be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. See how that feels, Mr. Lane? At least he spared us the usual “My grandfather’s neighbor’s doctor’s dog’s mother’s owner was a veteran, so I respect and honor veterans.”
