in Follow-Up, Musings

Achievement unlocked: key free

credit: Bohman

credit: Bohman

I realized yesterday that a week ago I had finally achieved one of my long-sought goals: to go without having to carry keys. Alas, instead of finally becoming President of the United States as my earlier post discussed or having minions now doing my billing, I installed a keyless lock on our home a few weeks back.

For a little while after, I still carried my house keys out of habit. Then a week ago I began to leave my keys at home, not really fully noting that I had achieved my keyless goal.

One caveat: while I no longer have metal in my pockets, I do still carry the (frickin’ giant) keyfobs for our cars and I have a plastic badge that gets me into my company’s office. Thus, reducing the amount of metal I carry has increased the amount of plastic I now carry. Time to solve a new problem?