in Reviews, X-Geek

Rocky support from Earthlink

Yesterday I discovered that at least one of Earthlink’s mail servers has been listed on a spam blackhole list, meaning mail sent through that server disappears from the Internet.

I searched in vain on Earthlink’s support page for an email address to a clueful engineer. Instead, I made do with a “live chat” with someone named “Rocky.” Rocky dutifully followed his script but instead of hearing me when I told him that Earthlink’s servers were blacklisted, Rocky had me recheck my email settings.

It’s sad when I know more than the support person who supposedly is there to help me.

Please hold for the next available agent. Your chat should begin in approximately 0 minutes. You may type your question while you wait, but you won’t be able to SEND it until your chat is assigned to an agent.

‘Rocky S’ says: Thank you for contacting EarthLink LiveChat, how may I help you today?

Rocky S: Hello, how may I assist you today? I just got a bounced email which indicates an Earthlink mail server is on a blackhole list.

Rocky S: Please stay on hold for three minutes, while I go through the issue. 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using Trend Micro RBL+. Were you aware of this?

Rocky S: Thank you for being on hold.

Rocky S: I am sorry to hear that. I’ll do my best to resolve this issue.

Rocky S: You received this bounce back message when you try to send an email to a particular email address from your EarthLink account. Am I correct? correct

Rocky S: Thank you for the confirmation.

Rocky S: May I know the email address to which you are trying to send email and getting bounce back message?

Rocky S: Thank you for the information. This looks relevant:

Rocky S: Can you paste the complete bounce back message you have received? Here are the relevant bits: [pasted in email headers]

Rocky S: Sure, go ahead.

Rocky S: Thank you for providing necessary information.

Rocky S: Please give me quick two minutes.

Rocky S: I am sorry, this is taking more time than usual. Can I have a five more minutes? sure

Rocky S: Is the above provided bounce back message you receive when you send email to email address from your EarthLink account? correct

Rocky S: Thank you for the confirmation.

Rocky S: Which email program are you using to send and receive email messages? Is it the EarthLink TotalAccess Mailbox, Microsoft Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail or Microsoft Outlook? Or is it EarthLink Web Mail? Mozilla Thunderbird

Rocky S: Thank you for the information.

Rocky S: Thank you for being on hold.

Rocky S: Let us check the email server settings in Thunderbird email program.

Rocky S: Please follow the below steps to check the settings for Thunderbird.

Rocky S:
1. Open Thunderbird.
2. Click on tools.
3. Select Account settings.
4. Select Server settings.
5. The Server type should be Pop mail server.
6. Server name should be
7.Port number should be 110
8.The username should be your complete email address (Eg:
9.Connection Security should be Set to None.
10.Authentication Method shoule be set to Password Transmitted insecurely.
11. Select Outgoing server (Smtp)
12. Select Earthlink SMTP and click on Edit.
13. Enter Description has Earthlink or any other name.
14. Server name should be
15. Port number should be 587
16. Connection Security should be Set to None.
17. Authentication Method shoule be set to Password Transmitted insecurely
18. Username should be your complete email address (Eg:
19. Click Ok.
20. Click OK.

Rocky S: Please keep me posted once you are done with the above steps.

Rocky S: It has been a while since I’ve received a message from you. Are you still with me?

Rocky S: I’m afraid we are losing connection. Please respond.

Rocky S: It appears that you have been away from your computer for an extended time or that your questions have already been answered. To assist another customer that has been waiting, I needed to close our chat conversation. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you have another question or two, please contact us again. EarthLink’s LiveChat Technical Support Department can be reached from the Support By Chat link at . Thank you for using EarthLink LiveChat.

Chat session has been ended by the agent. Please click the “Close” button, and thank you for choosing EarthLink.