[Note: Read this post first for an introduction.]
This was written at the start of my last deployment. It turns out I never made it anywhere near Egypt nor the Red Sea. Word on the street was that my second skipper didn’t have the friends in high places that my politically-connected first skipper did, leading to the choice ports being given to other ships.
In this letter I finally sound comfortable with the Navy. I had finally figured out how the system worked and could have probably made great strides at this point in a Navy career had I chosen that path.
During this cruise I was spending my off-time taking college courses. While I really got into it and did well, my success there didn’t translate to success at N.C. State. My classmates were much more attractive at State, I have to say.
I do still sail, of course, whenever I can. Though I sail on a lake now, I’ll never forget the feeling of freedom and adventure I get from being on the water.
August 4, 1991 4 AM HDT, 10 AM EDT [age:22]
Dear Grandma,
How are you feeling? Mom told me last week that you would soon be able to go home again. By the looks of the refrigerator when I left, there should be enough to keep you busy for a while!It’s about four in the morning Honolulu time and I’m about 500 miles east of Hawaii now. We’ve been moving at a good pace here and the sea and the weather have really been calm. Judging by all this it looks like this will be an uneventful trip, with little waste of time. We got an unusual send-off however – it rained our morning out, the first time since March I’ve seen it rain here. I’ll have to check the “sailor’s legends” books here to be certain, but I think it’s a good sign, since it cleared right after we left.
I didn’t get to show you my new video camera while I was in town, but I got a new one to take with me on deployment. It’s an 8mm hand-held camera and takes really good pictures. I didn’t have one on my last trip and really regretted it. I’ll have to assemble a videotape of all my travels and send it to you at the end of my cruise!
Some of the fascinating stops on the cruise: Hawaii; Philippines; Thailand; Singapore; Hurghahda, Egypt; and Hong Kong. Of these, the only one I haven’t been to is Egypt, but I’ll get a good look with all the time I’ll be there (almost a month, total). The bad news is I’ll spend Thanksgiving in the Red Sea and Christmas in Hong Kong. Oh, well …
I’ve got quite a lot to look forward to when I get back – while I was home I got an acceptance letter from George Mason University, near Washington, D.C. I’m still uncertain as to what I’ll study, but at least I have something to look forward to. I get out in mid-January, about the time the ship returns …
I’ve been keeping pretty busy around here. I’ve volunteered for and been given many more responsibilities since I was promotes (also while I was at home!) Not only that, but I’m taking a college level business course given here in my off-time (what little I have …). I definitely have no reason to be bored out here! But maybe this workload will be good for me – keep my sharp for when I enter school. After this, it should be a breeze.
I’ve taken up a new hobby, when I’m not pushing my nose to the grindstone, that is. I took a base course in sailing and I’ve been having so much fun with it that I’m wondering why I didn’t start sailing as soon as I got out here! Although I have just a basic qualification, it’s enough to get me on the water in San Diego Bay, bobbing around next to “million-dollar” yachts. The San Diego wind makes for some thrilling rides. I can see how sailing nuts are born – this sport is addictive!
I was originally planning to take it easy the last months I have in the Navy, but even that’s going to take some effort. Being away from the States is tough, especially since I’ve got college to prepare for, but it’s allowed me some time to reflect on what I’ve experienced since joining. It really has been an adventure. No kidding. Enough to last me for a while …
Well, I hope you’re feeling great and making me up a list of to-do’s for when I visit again (now is the time – while I’m still wound up from all my duties and have all this energy!) Maybe I’ll teach Woody a few tricks when I’m not fixing your VCR! Or, better yet, I’ll teach Woody to fix your VCR!! He’s a smart little dog, that’s for sure …
I’ll write you again after Hawaii and keep you posted o my exploits. Wish me luck …