in Rant

Shutting The Borders – For Americans?!?

Slashdot (I know, not the most reliable source of news) spread the word yesterday that the Department of Homeland Security is proposing new rules requiring Americans to get permission before entering and leaving the country. A valid U.S. passport won’t be enough, even though it currently takes a U.S. court order to revoke a passport. Your name will have to be cleared by some bureaucrat before you’re allowed to leave or enter, no matter what your U.S. passport says about your right to be here.

Things have gotten scary here in the U.S.A., folks. Veterans’ Day is six days from now and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices I made and others made in service to our country. That same country I so proudly served is now disintegrating before my eyes. Freedom is an endangered species in America.

The second date looming in my mind is two days away: Election Day. If ever there was a chance to put a stop to this bullshit, Tuesday is the day. If things don’t change come Wednesday morning, we are all in deep trouble.

Read more at John Gillmore’s excellent site, Papers, Please. And DHS’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking here.

Yes, it really is as bad as it seems.

  1. The fence at the border is intended to keep Americans in as much as keep foreigners out.

    We need to remind the pinheads in DHS that George Orwell’s “1984” was intended to be a warning, not a guidebook….

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