in Politics

Easley’s fist bumps

Mike Easley attempts a fist bump with Barack ObamaBarack Obama made a visit to Raleigh yesterday, kicking off a nationwide series of talks on the economy. The Progressive Pulse blog taunted Mike Easley for jumping on the Obama bandwagon late. I don’t think we should be so tough on him, however. You see, Easley was on the Obama bandwagon all along.

See that fist bump in the photo above? As evidenced by this poor display of fist bumpiness, Easley knew that whatever candidate he threw his support behind in the primary would become instantly unhip, consequently dooming Hillary Clinton. Fortunately, Obama has plenty of extra hipness to make up for Easley’s deficit.

Brilliantly played, Governor!

  1. I assume you were not one of the 500 invitees?

    When Bill Clinton was running the first time I drove from Burlington to Winston-Salem to a rally there. You could tell from the spirit of the crowd that he was going to win.

    Saw Kerry down in Ft. Lauderdale and the feeling was missing. Very poorly organized too. All of those supporters and not a single place to get buttons, signs, bumper stickers.


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