Rita Mae Brown once said that insanity is “doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” I suppose insanity might also mean expecting people to apply critical thinking skills to anything.
I’ve been poking through MT.Net‘s logfiles and I’m pleased to see so many searching for the Thomas Jefferson Bank Quote. As of today, MT.Net is the third Google result for those search terms. That’s all fine and good. What drives me up the wall is when I go to the pages linking to the quote, in many cases the linker is presenting the quote as fact, not even reading that I’ve debunked it! Um, did anyone read the post? What kind of fool would link a quote to a post that clearly says the quote is bogus?
No wonder America is falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to using our noggins.
I want to know why you’re digging through logfiles when you have FeedBurner site stats running on your site?
I use both, fool.
But Feedburner doesn’t resolve hostnames of my blog visitors, which I find to be of great interest. Any way to turn that on?