
Today the News and Observer put this story at the top of its front page. Its a story crowing about how mental hospital director Patsy Christian now won’t be able to hang a portrait of herself in the new Butner mental hospital thanks to an N&O story.

Of the legions of problems our state’s mental health system needing to be solved, this is what the N&O is most proud of? Getting a damn portrait removed? Is that how our fabled fourth branch of government is protecting our interests? Since when did the N&O become the paper equivalent of talk radio?

Is it any wonder that the newspaper business is in trouble?

Cheap Thoughts: Mapmaker, Mapmaker, make me a map

Wouldn’t be great if Google Maps let you choose not only your origination and destination places, but also your mode of transportation? For instance, a lot of routes Google provides are optimized for motor vehicles. What if I ride a bike and there’s a pedestrian bridge that lops ten miles off the usual route? What if there’s a path from my home to my office that’s more bike friendly in that its level and doesn’t involve multiple hills or hidden driveways?

What if I wanted to fly somewhere? Is a direct flight available? Can I avoid connections at airports with known delays? What if I wanted to sail, say, from New Bern to London? Could Google find the most favorable winds and currents?
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Cheap Thoughts: Express buttons

Why do some microwave ovens have “express” buttons to automatically preset the oven’s cook time? Don’t they already cook fast enough?

Are there really people who say, “oh, if I could just cook this popcorn three seconds faster, all will be well?”

Cheap Thoughts: Tips for seeing a home

I think it should become customary for people viewing a home to leave some sort of tip to the homeowner. Its not fun to clear out at a moment’s notice for an hour or more. Often the prospective buyer (or buyer’s agent) doesn’t bother to leave any feedback so we’re often left with no clue anyone’s even been here.

You wouldn’t come invited to someone’s party without bringing a small gift or snack, so why should seeing someone’s home be any different? Leaving a tip or gift would show appreciation for being invited into someone’s home, even if you don’t choose to buy.

Panoramic photography

I really love hobbies or projects that tie together many of my interests. One project that does this is the field of panoramic photography. It touches on astronomy, photography, mapping, math, orbital mechanics, image manipulation, spycraft, open source, and good old-fashioned duct-tape engineering. Maybe even a bit of fame, too!
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Cheap Thoughts: flying saucer(s)

Allow me to put on my tinfoil hat for a moment and present a crazy idea.

I do lots of thinking at 30,000 feet. I even do some at 10,000 feet on approach. Tonight I was marveling at the skill in which the pilot was using the rudder to counter the strong crosswind we were flying through. It planted a seed in my mind.
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