Cheesy sports bar anniversary

Kelly mentioned that yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the high school reunion at which we met. I pointed out that we actually met for the first time at the icebreaker the night before the reunion, at a sports bar called Champs in Reston, VA. Thus, Wednesday was the anniversary of our meeting.

I’m sure I blogged about this before, but Kelly and I chatted only briefly that fateful night before she bailed on me to go to another party. So Wednesday was also the anniversary of Kelly dumping me at a cheesy sports bar!

Col. Bob Ley

Col. Bob Ley, US Army retired

I just mentioned my former boss Bob Ley in my last post, so I want Google searching for him. I turned up this obituary of Col. Ley from last year. I’m sad to hear of his passing.

I worked part-time for Col. Ley in the hardware department of Hechinger store in Sterling, VA. His influence on me went far beyond what the part-time nature of my job suggested.

He was an outstanding mentor and I’m undoubtedly a better person because of him.

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Time for Gen. Tata to fall on his sword

Some friends and I were recently discussing the Wake school bus fiasco. Some thought that through his resignation, Don Haydon, Wake’s long-time operations and facilities manager, might be accepting responsibility for the debacle. And he is. It has been his job for 12 years to get the buses where they need to go. I wondered, though: how could a seasoned administrator with over a decade of experience foul things up so badly?

Then I recalled the military bureaucracy I once served in and got an idea of what most likely happened. Haydon was almost certainly given an impossible task to move more kids with fewer buses. I can imagine that his boss wasn’t too keen to hear that a train wreck was imminent and Haydon had no choice but to step down.
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Raleigh Union Station

Raleigh’s Union Station, circa 1940s. Photo by John F. Gilbert.

This morning, federal, state, and local officials gathered in the Dillon Supply Viaduct building to announce that Raleigh’s proposed new Union Station is now fully-funded. The chance of Raleigh getting a new train station anytime this decade looked remote until Raleigh won a $21 million federal grant. The Feds are kicking in $15 million of stimulus money and the state is kicking in an additional $6 million. Raleigh is funding $3 million from its earlier transportation bond and Triangle Transit is contributing the $1.3 million property.

Above is a circa 1940s photo of Raleigh’s former Union Station, which still stands at the corner of Dawson and Martin streets facing Nash Square. Raleigh’s station was an “end-station” with stub-end tracks, meaning trains stopping at Raleigh had to back either in or out of the station.

Backing up trains takes a lot of time, so when the Seaboard station and Southern station (both through-stations) opened up it spelled the doom of Union Station. Now the building houses offices. I believe the station’s tracks are still embedded beneath the surrounding roads.

Taking to the stage?

One of the many things on my bucket list is to play a role in a musical. A friend let me know about upcoming auditions for Theatre in the Park’s production of A Christmas Carol. With encouragement from Kelly, yesterday I made an appointment to audition for a spot in the ensemble.

My last audition was over 25 years ago, at South Mecklenburg High School for a role in the musical South Pacific. I think I did well because there was discussion about me playing the lead role of Lieutenant Cable. Ultimately I opted not to be in the play because drama was the realm of my brother, Allen, and I didn’t want to crowd him. Probably more accurate, though, was that I was still extremely shy and had little self-confidence.

The kids were excited when I mentioned the play and now they want to audition, too! Picking out good audition songs for them is proving to be difficult but they sure have no problem performing before crowds.

While Kelly is sitting this one out, she has enthusiastically agreed to join the kids and I as we reprise our roles as zombies for the Haunted Mordecai trolley ride again this year. Boo!

Closing in

The Weatherford property as seen in Raleigh iMAPS, 2012-09-12.

I should’ve known it was too good to last. Word is that the Weatherford property, the 10 acre property across the street from my home, is under contract. I also learned yesterday that the wooded lot behind my home was sold last week.

As for the Weatherford property, the surveyors left marking tape on Monday and Kelly and I talked with executives with the buyer (presumably KB Homes) Tuesday. Their plans include single-family homes around 2500-3000 square feet. They’re said to include “environmental features” that sounded intriguing but weren’t elaborated upon. The lot sizes will be smaller than the 1/3 acre lots that my neighborhood, Bennett Woods, enjoys. This was due to the rising cost of land.

The rep who we spoke with said that our street, Tonsler Drive, made the property “especially appealing.” That means our days of being the last home on the street are probably numbered, though I assume we’ll be the last home on Tonsler proper (due to the existing street numbering) and a new street will begin at the end of Tonsler.
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Lucky day anniversary

Thirteen years ago today, I became the luckiest guy in the world when I married Kelly Swanson Turner. Boy, what a smart decision that was!

Here’s to 58+ more years!

How to simulate being a sailor

I found this on another website and thought it was funny. If you’ve ever been in the Navy you’ll recognize these.

How to Simulate Being a Sailor

  1. Buy a steel dumpster, paint it gray inside and out, and live in it for six months.
  2. Run all the pipes and wires in your house exposed on the walls.
  3. Repaint your entire house every month.
  4. Renovate your bathroom. Build a wall across the middle of the bathtub and move the shower head to chest level. When you take showers, make sure you turn off the water while you soap down.
  5. Put lube oil in your humidifier and set it on high.
  6. Once a week, blow compressed air up your chimney, making sure the wind carries the soot onto your neighbor’s house. Ignore his complaints.
  7. Once a month, take all major appliances apart and then reassemble them.
  8. Raise the thresholds and lower the headers of your front and backdoors, so that you either trip or bang your head every time you pass through them.
  9. Disassemble and inspect your lawnmower every week.
  10. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, turn your water heater temperature up to 200 degrees. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, turn the water heater off. On Saturdays and Sundays tell your family they use too much water during the week, so no bathing will be allowed.
  11. Raise your bed to within 6 inches of the ceiling, so you can’t turn over without getting out and then getting back in.
  12. Sleep on the shelf in your closet. Replace the closet door with a curtain. Have your spouse whip open the curtain about 3 hours after you go to sleep, shine a flashlight in your eyes, and say “Sorry, wrong rack.”
  13. Continue reading

Blogging on and on

The kids and I attended a stream monitoring workshop put on by the City of Raleigh on Saturday. It was great learning how to measure the water quality of our city’s streams and we look forward to doing our part.

The workshop included field time and the group practiced in nearby Little Rock Creek. As I was wading around in the middle of the creek, a fellow participant wandered over to me.

“Are you the blogger?” he said.

“Excuse me? Am I the what?”

“The blogger,” he answered.

I laughed and introduced myself to my new friend, Sandro Gilser, blogger at The Daddy Weekly. You should check it out.
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Letters to Grandma: 31 August 1992

[Note: Read this post first for an introduction.]

This one comes almost 20 years ago to the day. By this time I’d been out of the Navy for 7 months. I was new to Raleigh, living in a cheap, roach-infested apartment in a dangerous neighborhood near campus, yet I felt promise. I had no where to go but up, right?

I smile at my constant use of the word “programmer,” as now they’re called developers. It was a time of rapid change in computers, which led to me leaving college behind for real-world experience. I was right about getting a high-paying job in computers. I still know what its like not to have a college degree, though!

Boy, if only I could get those “eye-popping” tuition rates of 1992 today. I’d just might go back to school.

10pm August 31, 1992 [age: 23]

Dear Grandma,

Sorry it’s been so long since you heard from me. I was twisted like a pretzel by all the new directions I had to go. I didn’t settle down for half a year and just now am I getting my footing again.

This is my second week here at N.C. State. I still don’t really believe I’m here. I guess by the time the tuition bills arrive I’ll be feeling right at home!
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