Manchester and Lincoln

Flume Gorge entrance

We’ve had a fun day in New Hampshire! Our flights went off without a hitch and we landed at about 10:30 AM in Manchester. The temperature in Manchester was reported to be 50 degrees but by the time we left the terminal it was noticeably warmer than that. Still it was cool enough for me to switch my shorts for jeans. Getting our car from Enterprise proved a long wait, as there were many in line in front of us who didn’t have a prepaid rental as we did. Eventually, though, we were on our way, destination: Lincoln.
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To New England

Kelly and I are on our way to New Hampshire for a three-day anniversary trip. We’ll try to do as much as we can during that time, though the weather won’t be cooperating. Rain is forecast for all day Sunday, which is a wicked pissah.

We’ll check in when we can along the way.

Back from Boone

We had a wonderful time in Boone the past few days. The weather was great, especially knowing how hot it’s been in Raleigh.

Grandfather Mountain was a fun diversion Monday. I was a little worried the kids would not handle the (0.4 mile) hike up the mountain but they did very well. We even tiptoed across the bridge and rocks to the other end for some photographs. The kids didn’t flinch a moment.

We stopped by a Boone burger joint for dinner before heading back home. On the way back up our mountain I got carsick and took a nap upon returning, which seemed to help me feel better.
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First two days in Boone

We arrived in Boone Saturday afternoon after a leisurely trip west along I-40. Our friends Craig and Lisa are sharing the vacation home with us, and we divided our group by gender between each minivan.

We stopped for a picnic at an outdoor playground outside of Wilkesboro, where the kids got to stretch their legs. It was a welcome break, and quite pleasant – just the kind of place we were looking for.
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In Boone

We’re spending a long weekend in Boone, which is nice. It’s good to get away from the near-100 degree heat in Raleigh today. Our weather is cool and breezy, with a high of 84.

We’re in a house up the hill from the Boone Mall. Not only is there no Internet access, but there’s no cellphone signal nor telephone in the house. I’m in the Boone Mall’s Panera now typing this before I head over to the grocery store.

I forget how quiet it is in the mountains. Quite peaceful and very relaxing. Wish I had a phone connection at the very least, though!

We’ve not no specific plans here other than to have fun. Maybe we’ll get out on a hike later today, as getting deeper into the woods really appeals to me.

Check in with you later.

Warrenton caboose tour

While we were visiting Kelly’s parents in Virginia we decided to take a bike ride on Warrenton’s greenway path. At the start of the greenway is the Norfolk and Western Railway Caboose 518554, a restored caboose on freshly-laid track where thirty years ago freight trains once served the town. We happened to pass the caboose right as a gentleman appeared to be locking it up, so being the curious sort I asked him what he knew about the caboose.

It turns out the gentleman was Ron Scullin, one of the three main volunteers responsible for obtaining the track and caboose and restoring both to like-new condition. Ron had just finished up with tours of the caboose, which are held once a month, but hearing that we were from out of town, he graciously volunteered to provide a personal tour.
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Gone forth for Fourth

We’re spending day three at Kelly’s parents’ home for the Fourth of July weekend. It’s been a fun one, with lots of bike riding (we brought them with us), bubble blowing, and just having fun. Our bike rack served us well in getting the family’s bikes to Virginia, with the kids’ bikes packed in the back of the van. Even Rocket was comfortable in the back of the van, with the seat down so he could actually see out the window. Never heard him actually wag his tail while in the van before.

The bubble blowing was the biggest hit, though. Kelly’s mom Linda found a recipe for “bubble juice” and made a big bucket of it. We’ve used sticks with straps on them to create enormous bubbles – some 3 feet wide by 20 feet long! It’s been so much fun that we’re going to get our own bubble kit when we get back home!

Today we’re heading to a friend’s stable so the kids can ride the horses. Then it’s off to the pool to cool off. The Virginia weather’s been markedly cooler than North Carolina’s but a swim will be just as welcome this afternoon!


We got home a little before 8 PM after a smooth trip from Virginia. Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride. Even Rocket didn’t complain much about being cooped up in the back of the car.

We borrowed a Thule roof-mount cargo container from Kelly’s parents to haul our stuff back. It worked very well! I think its great to have extra storage for the car when we need it and to be able to remove it when we don’t.

Speaking of cars, we may spend time tomorrow looking at cars. We may finally become a two-car family again. If we don’t find what we need right away, our neighbors have graciously agreed to let us borrow their extra car.

And for those who are wondering, I’m cooking up a post on my uncle’s funeral. I wrote a good bit of it last night but I don’t want to post it until I get it right. Perhaps sometime tomorrow it will appear.

Heading home

We’re heading home today after a few fun days with Kelly’s parents and the Naylors. Then it will be a typical weekend before everyone gets back to the school/work routine.

I may or may not be starting Monday at $WORK, depending on how far my paperwork has made it through the staffing office. I hope to find out sometime this weekend if I’m on or not yet. Something to look forward to, anyway!

Gas prices

Here in Richmond I saw the lowest price for gas I’ve seen in years. It was $1.57 a gallon at a station in north Richmond. Its amazing how far prices have fallen since October.

I wish I had the money now to resume my flight training. It would be a great time to get back into the cockpit. That’ll have to wait for a while, alas.