Birthday recap

Oh yeah. Scott reminded me that today is my birthday.

I woke up to a birthday breakfast cooked by my lovely wife and son. Then I opened my cards and presents and shared my lap with my beautiful daughter.

After that, it was off to see the real estate attorney to go over the offer we made on the house today. This was followed by a work conference call, after which the family took me out to lunch at “Backpack Yogurt,” as our kids dubbed it long ago. My cheeseburger left a lot to be desired but the company couldn’t be beat!

Around 3PM I hit the road for Annapolis, happy that the traffic was light due to the federal holiday. I arrived at my hotel around 9 and was promptly upgraded to a luxurious, 600sf junior suite on account of my birthday.

Now I’m gonna sneak out to the neighboring Irish pub for a pint before chatting with Kelly one more time and retiring for the evening. Maybe next year I’ll take my birthday off and stick with just the fun stuff!

Once more to Annapolis

I’m mid-trip on my way to Annapolis to conduct two days of training. I’m hoping the weather makes it a pleasant stay, but freezing rain and snow/sleet is predicted for tomorrow. Since I won’t be driving for the next two days, all I hope is that everything’s melted by the time I head home Wednesday evening.

Back To Annapolis

I’m heading back Monday to Annapolis, that beautiful sailing capital of the U.S. I’ll be there to conduct a few days of training. Seems like only last week I was there. Oh yeah, it was only last week.

Overall, its a fun place to work and the travel isn’t bad. The drive up is usually a pretty smooth trip. I’ll go up, do what I need to do, and then return late Wednesday.

Home again

I’m back from my jaunt up north to Annapolisburg. It was drizzly and cool the whole visit. Quite a shock to pull up to my driveway to 75 degree weather after starting off so chilly.

The company party was fun. I enjoyed talking to my coworkers and their S.O.’s. Everyone always has something interesting to say. I always learn something from any one I talk to.

One of the meetings I attended was a mandatory sexual harassment session. I had to ask if it was proper for my female officemate to always be jumping into my lap while I worked. Of course that particular officemate is no longer with me, alas.

Annapolis again

I hit the road this morning for Annapolis. Company meetings are today and the company’s holiday party is tonight. Tomorrow I have more meetings before returning home in time for the kids’ bedtimes.

Tour de Force

I felt very safe at my Port St. Lucie hotel last night. There were at least a dozen of police cars in the parking lot, and believe it or not they weren’t dragging shirtless men from their rooms like you see on Cops. Judging by the many K-9 cars (and the sometimes enthusiastic barking I heard from nearby rooms) I take it some sort of training was going on.

This morning I rode the elevator down with a cop toting a sweet bicycle and we struck up a conversation. He works (or did work) as a school resource officer in the Miami-Dade School System and has family in Southport. In fact his cousin, Sandy Spencer, was just elected mayor of Southport.
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I’m in Stuart, Florida today for a presentation, having flown in at 7:30 last night. The flight was routine except for an incident right after we got airborne from Atlanta. About a minute into our flight we were all startled when the pilot suddenly banked the plane hard left. As I was catching my breath, I swear I heard the sound of jet engines getting progressively farther away. Maybe flying through the world’s busiest airport wasn’t such a keen idea after all.

Its weird that the hotel pool is still open. At midnight last night I was wishing it wasn’t.

Time to get this show on the road.

South Florida

I’m on my way to South Florida today for a meeting tomorrow. In spite of being born in Florida this will be my furthest venture south in the Sunshine State. Tomorrow’s high temperature is forecast to be 76 degrees. Any other time that might sound tempting but we really haven’t had a bad winter here (nor do I expect us to).