Day two of training yesterday didn’t go as smoothly as the first day, and part of it is my fault. We were trying a new method of training (aside from the new trainer: me), and I didn’t test every aspect of the new environment. If I had, I would’ve discovered some tools were missing that we needed to use. I didn’t build the environment, but I am responsible for making sure it works and I didn’t do that. Fortunately we worked around it and everyone seemed to appreciate the new approach, warts and all.
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There are 243 posts filed in Travels (this is page 21 of 25).
First day conducting training
I conducted training on my company’s product for the very first time today in a room wall-to-wall with students. The training went very, very well. No one suspected it was my first time conducting the training, nor did they realize I’ve only been working with it since June. I even got a kudos from a more-experienced coworker who heard some of my presentation.
It was also fun conducting training again. The last time I did that was to a roomful of Chinese in Shanghai back in March. That day still stands out as one of the best of my career. Who knew I’d be out of work just two months later?
Annapolis awaits
I’m off to Annapolis again today as I will be conducting product training tomorrow and Wednesday. Then its a trip back home Wednesday night to be ready for an 8 AM demo Thursday.
Fortunately we had a fun weekend so being away won’t be as hard as it could’ve been. Check wid’ ya later, yo.
Twenty five year reunion
I had a bit of a twenty-five year reunion tonight here in Charlotte, where I’m working for the next day or two. Remember how I tracked down some old friends last month when their high school reunion was held? One of those old friend was my buddy Doug Yoch, who happens to live in Charlotte now. I wrote him an email this morning letting him know I was in town and tonight we met up for dinner and drinks.
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Kelly and I went to our 20-year high school this weekend for the Herndon High School Class of 1987. It was held at the Reston Sheraton and put on by, with assistance from two classmates, Evan MacKenzie and Elyssa Brecher.
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We got back last evening from our Herndon High School reunion weekend in Virginia. Lots of fun was had. Herndon’s football team won the homecoming game against the Yorktown Patriots 35-31, too.
More on all that when I get a chance. For now I gotta get back to work.
I had unusual travel plans for my recent business trip to Annapolis. First I flew to BWI on Southwest (which curiously didn’t have all of their new line arrangements yet in place). I rented a car for the Annapolis leg of the trip. When I got done with work today, I returned the car to the Baltimore airport (via the Baltimore-Washington Parkinglotway), where I planned to catch a train south to Fredericksburg.
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In Annapolis
I’m in Annapolis today and tomorrow. Tomorrow evening I meet Kelly and the kids in Fredericksburg and we all head west to Warrenton for the night.
Saturday is my high school reunion. The Herndon High School Class of 1987 holds its 20 year reunion in Reston, Virginia. I hope to catch up with my old friends. Should be fun.
Back from Ohio Linux Fest
I made it back from the Ohio Linux Fest about 4:45 this afternoon after driving from Ohio and dropping off my passengers, Bill Mars and his son, Jim. Bill and I had a lively discussion about a number of geek-related and Navy vet-related topics which made the 9+ hour drive go much faster than it otherwise would’ve.
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Freedom Trail
I’m off to join the Software Freedom Road Rally tomorrow as me and my fellow geeks travel from Raleigh to Columbus, Ohio for the Ohio Linux Fest. We should have net access on the way, so expect some updates while we travel. Being a driver, my updates will be light.
Check out the Software Freedom Road Rally site to follow the fun.