- Watching Olympics via BBC website via some neat DNS tricks: http://t.co/St2RS8Vb #geek #fb #
- Talking crazy talk about vacation trips to foreign countries. Feels good to dream again! #
- Brought home a growler of High Roller from my neighborhood tavern, @bigbossbeer. Yes, NEIGHBORHOOD tavern! #eastraleigh4life #ncbeer #
Updates from the field
There are 134 posts filed in Tweets (this is page 10 of 14).
Twitter Updates for 2012-08-04
- Watching Olympics via BBC website via some neat DNS tricks: http://t.co/St2RS8Vb #geek #fb #
- Talking crazy talk about vacation trips to foreign countries. Feels good to dream again! #
- Brought home a growler of High Roller from my neighborhood tavern, @bigbossbeer. Yes, NEIGHBORHOOD tavern! #eastraleigh4life #ncbeer #
Twitter Updates for 2012-08-03
- Now that a critical mass of geeks (Red Hat, Citrix) are moving in, can downtown Raleigh get its own CrazyFire? Please!? http://t.co/awKcElEF #
Twitter Updates for 2012-08-03
- Now that a critical mass of geeks (Red Hat, Citrix) are moving in, can downtown Raleigh get its own CrazyFire? Please!? http://t.co/awKcElEF #
Twitter Updates for 2012-08-01
- Donations flood in to build downtown Raleigh's first #LPFM station, Little Raleigh Radio! http://t.co/nqGg6JCb #
- After @guyadams continuing #NBCfail suspension from Twitter, can anyone trust @NBC or Twitter anymore? http://t.co/x8dFTNZv #
- RT @TechCrunch @NBC Retracts Complaint, @GuyAdams Is Back On Twitter http://t.co/LcHZyjDI #nbcfail #
Twitter Updates for 2012-08-01
- Donations flood in to build downtown Raleigh's first #LPFM station, Little Raleigh Radio! http://t.co/nqGg6JCb #
- After @guyadams continuing #NBCfail suspension from Twitter, can anyone trust @NBC or Twitter anymore? http://t.co/x8dFTNZv #
- RT @TechCrunch @NBC Retracts Complaint, @GuyAdams Is Back On Twitter http://t.co/LcHZyjDI #nbcfail #
Twitter Updates for 2012-07-31
- RT @RalphDSchwartz @mtdotnet: Pay walls make newspapers more invisible, less relevant: http://t.co/7dNefSho via @McClatchyWatch #
- RT @JeffTippett Looks like some of the @NCState students want the campus @ChickfilA removed. http://t.co/GCYD45CD #
Twitter Updates for 2012-07-27
- On Wake's board / he's still around / but still his signs / have not come down. #burmashave @tonygurley #ncpol #wakepol #
Twitter Updates for 2012-07-27
- On Wake's board / he's still around / but still his signs / have not come down. #burmashave @tonygurley #ncpol #wakepol #
Twitter Updates for 2012-07-26
- Happy to see so many people out walking and running near my East Raleigh home. Healthy neighbors, healthy neighborhoods! #
- Eight days past, is not too early, to take down signs, for @tonygurley #burmashave #ncpol #
- On how I love thee, Haveli Indian Cuisine. Great buffet, super-attentive staff, and unbeatable prices. If only you were in Raleigj mot RTP #
- On how I love thee, Haveli Indian Cuisine. Great buffet, super-attentive staff, and unbeatable prices. If only you were in Raleigh not RTP. #