Singing is hard

For the past few holiday seasons I’ve been saying I would create a CD of me singing Christmas songs but I’ve never gotten it done. I began this season determined to do it. After considering inviting a friend to accompany me on piano, I decided to go a more polished route and use some professional musicians.

Recalling my early job as a recording engineer at the karaoke-like Sing-A-Song Recording Studios, I searched online for some vocalless tracks I could buy. Finding just what I needed at Singray Digital’s The Karaoke Channel, I purchased a dozen or so tracks and tried mixing my voice in with them.
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Sound Choice in the news again

I was delighted to read the story in today’s Charlotte Observer about Kurt Slep and Sound Choice, fighting back against illegal copying of their karaoke music. The company took a beating when unscrupulous karaoke jockeys (“KJ’s”) downloaded their music rather than paying for it.

While I was sad to hear how devastating music piracy has been to Sound Choice, I was glad to read about the history of the company, including the time in 1985 when I was one of its first employees.

Kurt, give me a call if you need a vocalist!

John Denver: still big in China

I was listening to the Beastie Boys’ Ill Communication as I was mowing the grass today. The B-Boys are Buddhists and their songs often have lyrics about Tibet. They’d never be welcomed with open arms in China, I thought.

Then I remembered someone who was welcomed with open arms in China: John Denver. Denver toured China in October 1992, playing multiple cities, apparently the first Western artist to tour there. I remembered someone telling me during my visit to China that his song Take Me Home, Country Roads was one of the most popular Western songs in China.
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Where I’ve worked: Sing-A-Song Recording Studios

The year was 1985. I had worked at my very first job for only weeks and already I was angling for the next one (sound familiar?). One day during my off time at Carowinds I wandered into one of its arcades to play video games (Commando, Paperboy, and Karate Champ were favorites). There was a new store at the end of this barn-like arcade building, full of bright spotlights, new carpeting, and three glass booths that resembled changing rooms. Curious and out of quarters for the moment, I wandered over and struck up a conversation with the owner.
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James Taylor plays Raleigh’s Moore Square

Its strange to see a music star the magnitude of James Taylor play a corner of Moore Square. On the other hand, the unassuming Taylor seemed at home there. The stars align like this maybe once in a million years, so I wasn’t about to let this chance pass me up. My officemate and I played a bit of hookey to see the show.

After catching up on work emails this morning, I took a stroll down to Moore Square a little after 10 to see what was happening. To my surprise, roadies were setting up a modest stage while maybe a dozen fans waited around in the warm morning sun. Then my officemate then called and needed to be let back into the office. Only when I got there did I find out I missed Taylor’s soundcheck by minutes.
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Carowinds Tickets

I’ve got a stack of discount coupons for Carowinds, the Paramount amusement park outside of Charlotte. The coupons are good for $18 off each of up to six full-price tickets. This brings admission to $26.99 apiece.

Carowinds was my first job. I worked the Foto-zine booth, putting people’s pictures on magazine covers. For my whopping pay of $3.35 an hour, I had the privilege of filling out two income tax returns. The park borders North and South Carolina, so both had to be filed. Yay.

When I got tired of being cooped up in the darkroom (and wearing damn suspenders all day), I moved up to a cushy job as a recording engineer with Sing-A-Song Recording Studios, which had a booth in one of the arcades. My bosses, Derek and Kurt Slep, went on to form Sound Choice, a leading karaoke dealer in Charlotte. Mmmm, karaoke!

Anyhow, Carowinds is always a good time. Send me an email or comment of you’d like a coupon to go. They’re good until July 24th, so hurry!

Enter The Bambino

The Bambino made its first public performance Thursday afternoon when Kelly and I went in to listen to its heartbeat.

Kelly’s been pregnant for 11 weeks and we’ve been playing an elaborate ruse with our friends in trying to keep it secret. With the appearance of a healthy heartbeat, we’ve got the confidence to let everyone know.

I had some fun with the event by writing a fake news story that was based on an incident over the holidays. We went to a party where my brother had rented a Karaoke machine and he and I hammed it up. Part of the act included acting comedian-like and announcing that Louie Anderson is up next,” and then dropping the microphone.

What makes this funny? A few too many drinks.

What was to be a routine check of a baby’s heartbeat turned bizarre Thursday afternoon when the baby grabbed the microphone and began singing karaoke tunes. Doctors examining Kelly Turner expecting the tiny heartbeat were instead astonished to hear “My Way” sung in a tiny voice.

“I really don’t know what to make of this,” said Dr. Hethfield of the Raleigh OB/GYN. “Even though the baby doesn’t have a lyric sheet – it doesn’t even have eyes yet – it somehow knows all the words. Must be something in the genes.”

“You’re telling me,” sighed Kelly Turner, as she rolled her eyes at her husband, Mark. Kelly then pleaded with the doctor for some kind of cure, but was flatly told her husband was incurable.

The mystery deepened even futher when the baby announced that Louie Anderson would be its little brother before dropping the microphone.

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